Our Services

we're here to make your website

Search Engine Optimization

From SEO Audit to SEO Strategy to On-page SEO to Link Building, as a Top SEO Agency, Techmagnate offers the best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services if you want to get to the top of Google Search results and stay there.

App Store Optimization

Get your App ranked at the top for your target keywords on the Play Store and Apple Store. Enhance App visibility and multiply download numbers

Pay Per Click

As one of only 60 Google Premier Partners in India, we are amongst the best of the best when it comes to generating leads and driving sales via ppc services.

Video Marketing & Youtube SEO

Get ready for a big boost in organic video views, engagement metrics and subscription numbers for your YouTube channel with our proven video seo services.

Web Designing and Development

First impressions are very important & we can get that deal sealed for you right away. As your website design company, we work in a consultative manner, serving as your advisors, designers and developers

Conversion Rate Optimization

Here at MarronCorp, we live by the uncomfortable truths: such as the fact that no matter how much traffic you build for your website, your efforts will go to waste unless you back them up with a conversion plan.

Online Reputation Management

Your reputation builds your brand; allow the SEO experts at Techmagnate to monitor, protect and build your online reputation.

Content Marketing

Our award winning Content marketing services can help your brand establish trust, authority and thought leadership while engaging with your target audience. Also boost performance of your seo campaigns. ENGAGE VISITORS


E-Commerce Solutions

We combine our expertise in design, hosting, search engine marketing, analytics and conversion optimization to offer e-commerce solutions that ensure your sales keep growing month on month.

Why choose Marroncorp for SEO Services

Premium SEO Partner – We deliver transformational growth to clients as a digital partner for SEO services and have achieved an average increase of 103% in traffic and 186% in leads in 2021-2022

Transparent & Measureable – We are India’s sole SEO services provider to offer regular reports on SEO marketing performance with data-driven insights and results. Take a look!

Up-to-date Strategies – We launch regular updates in our SEO strategies per Google updates and industry trends.

Techmagnate Team – We’re a team of experienced marketers and 150+ SEO experts, delivering exceptional results to 200+ clients

SEO Marketing Vertical – We use Enterprise SEO, eCommerce SEO, YouTube video SEO, and App Store Optimization verticals to spearhead end-to-end marketing campaigns

Experience & Expertise – Having executed thousands of campaigns over the last 15 years, we possess expertise in leading marketing campaigns for multiple industries.

Transparent Quality Services – We are a reputed SEO company known for practicing transparency and delivering data-driven results.

1000+ Satisfied Customers Worldwide – We pride ourselves as one of the best SEO companies, with 1000+ satisfied customers

Technology Driven Services – We use trending industry solutions and proprietary tools to manage marketing campaigns.

Our Approach

our company is here to help you

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.
